Summary of trans-national/virtual access provision (Facilities)

Access provider short name Short name of infrastructure Installation Installation Country code1 Type of access2 Unit of access


Unit cost (UC) (€)3 Min. quantity of access to be provided* Access costs4 Estimated number of users* Estimated number of user projects*
Nr5 Short name On the basis of UC As actual costs
INAF IDCTF 1 XACT IT TA-uc day 1030 24 24720 6 3
INAF 2 TVLAB IT TA-ac day 16 6775.36 4 2
INAF 3 IPC IT TA-ac day 10 4270.3 4 2
INAF 4 MEX IT TA-ac day 16 3733.28 4 2
UNIFE LARIX 1 LARIX-A IT TA-ac day 16 13996 4 2
UNIFE 2 LARIX-T IT TA-ac day 8 7272 2 1
ULEIC ULSRC 1 LLBFT UK TA-uc day 1020 24 24480 6 3
ULEIC 2 VBC UK TA-uc day 407 20 8140 4 2
CNRS/LAM SPATIAL 1 SPATIAL (ERIOS, etc. FR TA-uc day 2125 16 34000 4 2
CSL CSL 1 FOCAL 2 BE TA-ac day 8 91776 4 2
CSL 2 Shaker 200 kN BE TA-ac day 2 9254 4 2
UNIPG STL 1 SERMS IT TA-uc ?? day 1000 16 16000

1 Give the ISO two-letter code of the country where the installation is located, or ‘IO’ if the access provider (the beneficiary or linked third party) is an international organization, an ERIC, or a similar legal entity. When the installation is mobile (e.g. a research vessel) give the country of its usual location (e.g. the home port).

2 “VA” for virtual access, “TA-uc” for trans-national access with access costs declared on the basis of unit costs, TA-ac for trans-national access with access costs declared as actual costs, or “TA-cb” for trans-national access with access costs declared as a combination of actual costs and costs on the basis of unit costs.

3 To be filled in only for installations providing trans-national access with access costs declared either on the basis of unit costs (TA-uc) or as a combination of actual costs and costs on the basis of unit costs (TA-cb). The unit cost must be calculated through the specific excel table provided in the submission system. Leave blank in case of virtual access (VA) or trans-national access with access costs declared as actual costs (TA-ac).

4 Cost of the access provided under the project. For virtual access fill in only the second column. For trans-national access fill in one of the two columns or both according to the way access costs are declared. The trans-national access cost on the basis of unit costs must be computed by multiplying the unit cost by the quantity of access to be provided.

5 Number the installations of the same infrastructure consecutively. An installation is a part of an infrastructure that could be used independently from the rest.


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