For vibration testing COSINE is offering access to its TV 5220-C shaker from TIRA GmbH. Since the armature is ceramic, its first resonance lies beyond 19 kHz, allowing for a very broad 0-20kHz testing frequency range. Furthermore, this shaker is capable of delivering sufficient acceleration for qualification testing of various launch vehicles such as Ariane 6, Long March 2D and Vega. Figure 1 shows the shaker and some additional specifications are available in Table 1.

Table 1: TV 5220-C shaker specifications.
Rated peak force (N) | Sine/Random | 1000/650 |
Frequency range (Hz) | DC-20000 | |
Main resonance frequency (Hz) | >19000 | |
Max. displacement (mm) | Peak-Peak | 25.4 |
Max. velocity (m/s) | Sine/Random | 1.5/1.5 |
Max. acceleration (g) | Sine/Random | 66/43 |
Effective moving mass (kg) | 1.5 | |
Weight with trunnion (kg) | 110 | |
Armature diameter (mm) | 139 |
Control Electronics
The electronics consist of a power amplifier BAA 1000-ET from TIRA GmbH, and the Spider 81B
controller used for autonomous real-time control of the shaker through a pilot accelerometer.
Moreover additional accelerometers can be attached to the device under test for monitoring its
response through a National Instruments PXI hardware platform and the LabVIEW software.
Overall, the set-up provides the capability to perform sine sweeps, random vibrations and resonance
searches through a standalone, standard, flexible and expandable solution allowing for synchronous
accelerometers data acquisition as well as easily customizable real-time data presentation and